Friday, May 22, 2009

Later that day

Maybe one day I'll be happy that I couldn't get internet at my apartment right away, since its giving me plenty of time to record my feelings about my first day in Chiayi. Right now I'm annoyed and I feel lonely in my new place all by myself with no contact with the outside world. I haven't even been able to tell friends that I have a new cell phone #.

Today I got a ride with Will to observe his class and then an older class with a Chinese girl named Pallas. Pallas did her class almost exactly out of the book, but Will's was all over the place. Very different styles. There is definitely going to be a tough learning curve for me with these classes. Wow. The guys seem pretty cool though.

I can't wait to get a scooter! I walked home from the school today and it took 40 minutes. It was night time, so the heat wasn't too bad. But I was still sweaty and tired when I got home. I don't know what I'll do when I have to get there during the day. Maybe I should go to the temple and pray for a bike of some sort. Jenny, my head teacher, was telling me about temples and how you are supposed to go into some at night and some during the day. You have to tell the gods your name and where you live and ask very specifically for whatever you want. At this point I'm not sure how else to get a scooter so maybe I should give it a shot!

All day I've been doubting my decision to take the apartment. There was another one that was pretty nice for 1/3 of the price and right next door to the school. I should have taken that for 2 months, gotten settled in and then moved over here or in with a different roommate or something. It would have made my start up costs so much lower. I do have enough money for this apartment, I did all the figures. But it wouldn't have hurt to get a super cheap place for awhile to sort out my budget and be more sure that this will work. I just got enamored with the view and the space and the ability to have such a nice apartment for the first time ever. Another downer has been the cleaning. I can't believe this tradition of cleaning up the last tenant's mess when you move in. Yuck! I worked all day on the kitchen and haven't even touched the cupboards yet...which smell super funky when I open them. Ew. And then there's the bathroom...mold, soap scum, the works. I just hope that I bond with the place through scrubbing down every inch.

But I did choose this apartment, so now I need to enjoy it. Maybe I'll be able to find a roommate later on. That would definitely help with the cost and the loneliness. In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for a cat. I already know where to get litter and food, so now I just need to find a pet store.

So right now I'm in need of a cat, a bike and the internet...none of which I feel capable of securing by myself. I wanted an adventure, and this is part of it!

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