Monday, October 12, 2009

I suck at blogging!

If I could update this more than once a month, it would be awesome. Unfortunately, writing too often feels like work rather than an enjoyable and worthwhile way to remember the events of my life. Let's see, quick run down of the last month.
1. Had my first dinner party at my apartment. Lots of friends came by and we ended up going to KTV (karaoke) until the wee hours. Fun fun fun!
2. Did the Sun Moon Lake swim. 3 km across the lake with 10,000 of my closest friends. The swim was amazing and the water was nice, but I got soooo sunburned!
3. I cut the middle and ring finger of my left hand on a glass bottle. Got 9 stitches, still wearing bandaids after 3 weeks. Not awesome.
4. Went on a sweet scooter ride with Lynne in the mountains.
5. KTV again for Tarcy's birthday. We found the archive of 90s pop and sang every Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears song we could find. Yes, yes and yes.
6. Watched the fireworks from my balcony that were launching from all over Chiayi to celebrate the Moon Festival.
7. Got way behind on my masters studies after my book was late to come in the mail and I cut my fingers. Still trying to catch up!
8. Went to the beach in Kenting with a bunch of girlfriends. It was a great little holiday. We barbequed, danced, drank free beer from the campground bar, went skinny dipping and ended up sleeping out on the beach for the night. Once again, I got sunburned, but I'm used to it now, so whatever!
9. Ricky has become this most needy kitten ever and wants to spend every moment sitting on my lap. As I type, he is sleeping on my lap. Unfortunately, I have scratches all over my legs from him getting a little too playful. *sigh* I'm trying to train children to behave at school, and now I have a kitten to train as well. I need practice in setting boundaries.

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